Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer events at Fanshawe Pioneer Village in London, ON

June 18, 2013 London, Ontario - Summer is finally here! Enjoy the summer season at Fanshawe Pioneer Village with these great upcoming events.

Dominion Day - Monday, July 1
On the 1st of July, 1867, Canada became a self-governing colony within the British Empire. Relive the past and discover the events surrounding the first Dominion Day (now Canada Day).  Patriotic speeches, cake and lemonade and vintage baseball are a few of the activities that will bring the past to life.

Sponsored by General Dynamics Land Systems Canada

Victorian Teddy Bear Picnic - Sunday, July 7th
All the bears are gathering today for a Victorian Teddy Bear Picnic.  Bring out your favourite stuffed friend for an afternoon of games in the park.  Watch a puppet show and make your very own teddy bear puppet.  Join Victorian Bear for a parade and enjoy a picnic of lemonade and cookies served in a real china tea cup. 

Sponsored by McCormick Canada

Time Travelers Summer Day camps

July 15 – 19    Ages  9 - 12
July 22  - 26    Ages  6 – 8

August 12 – 16   Ages 9 - 12
August 19 – 23   Ages 6 - 8

It's the ultimate summer adventure - travel back in time! Fanshawe Pioneer Village offers a new summer day camp experience for children 6 - 12 who will become part of Village life.  Campers will engage in farm and household chores, become apprentices in our Print, Woodworking and Blacksmith shops, play 19th century games, create Victorian crafts and celebrate the end of their week with a proper 19th century social.

Sponsored by Optimist Club of Arva and District, Christopher F. Parker, Norene and the late Frederic Parker.

Vintage Base Ball
Saturday, July 13
Watch a fine exhibition of 19th century base ball.  London Tecumsehs vs Northville Eclipse from noon to 2:00 p.m and Northville Eclipse vs Woodstock Actives from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Choose, But Choose Wisely. An 1812 play by Jeff Culbert
Tuesday to Thursday July 16,17,18
Tuesday to Friday July 23,24, 25

Performance at 7:30 p.m.

This original play follows the life of ordinary settlers in London Township during the War of 1812, desperately trying to eke out a living while caught between two giant military powers.  As British Subjects, they are expected to fight with the local militia. The invading American General promises to
do Upper Canadians no harm, as long as they refuse to take up arms against the US army. And if they do, US soldiers will take no prisoners. What choice will they make? What choice will they have....

Tickets:  $15.00 each, admission included.
Book on-line at  Advance booking is required.

Sponsored by Lerners LLP, London Heritage Council, Johnson Sanitation Service, Sylvite Agra-Services Ltd., Union Gas:  As Spectra Energy Company and the Government of Canada

Fanshawe Frolic presents…

The Glorious Reign Ball

Dances from Queen Victoria’s era: 1819-1901         
Saturday August 3rd & Sunday, August 4th

This year’s special Frolic theme focuses on the British Empire in the 19th century and the reign of Queen Victoria. Our 19th century ball program will include dances and music from the years of Queen Victoria’s lifetime; from the late regency period to 1901.

The whole Village is coming to the Ball!
Come learn the social dances of the 19th century with Dance Mistress, Mme. Cathy Stephens, on Saturday. Enjoy a country supper in the evening, followed by the period ball with live music provided by Childgrove of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Period costumes are encouraged but not required.
This theme offers a wide choice of costume for participants who can dress in any 19th century costume: Regency, mid 19th century or late Victorian. Or come as a "visitor" from the far reaches of Queen Victoria's Empire…from the British Isles to Australia, from India to Hong Kong.

Bring the whole family to the Village on Sunday for Family Frolic!
Live music and more dancing with Mme. Stephens, followed by an afternoon tea.

10:30 – 12:30pm       Set Dances and Etiquette - to prepare for the ball.

2:00-3:30pm             Late Victorian “round” dance sequences featuring basic waltz, polka
                                  and schottische steps.

6:00-7:00pm             Period country supper
7:30 – 11:00pm         The Glorious Reign Ball

1:00 – 3:00pm           Family Frolic dance

3:00 – 3:30pm           Victorian Tea

Tickets:  $50.00 + HST per person for the Victorian Ball and supper. Family Frolic on Sunday with regular admission.  Book on-line at  Advance booking is required.

Presented in partnership with Cathy Stephens, Itinerant Dance Mistress, London, Ontario.

Fanshawe Agricultural Fair - Saturday, August 17th and Sunday, August 18th
Experience all the pleasures of a 19th century rural fair with threshing demonstrations, exhibits and musical entertainment.

Presented in partnership with the Tri-County Heritage Club

Sponsored by Ingredion Canada Incorporated, Dupont Pioneer Canada and Libro Financial Group

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