Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What's happening at Rondeau Provincial Park

It’s that time of year again…

Early summer boasts beautiful blooms throughout the park and with this brings many butterflies.

It is exciting to see this large number of butterflies throughout the park.  We take advantage of this opportunity by hosting our annual butterfly count, this year on Sunday July 14.

All the data that is collected during the count gets sent to the North American Butterfly Association (NABA), where is it compiled with data from other butterfly counts throughout North America.  

Along with keeping an eye on species numbers, we record unusual sightings, and keep our own butterfly records up-to-date. Last year volunteers spotted a White-M Hairstreak! This essentially southern species has been extending its range northward and was seen once more this spring in Rondeau. 

The butterfly count at Rondeau is a great chance to come out and get to know some butterflies!  We welcome volunteers of all levels of experience to join in the count.  Those with less experience in the butterfly count are paired with those who have more experience to make an enjoyable day for all.  It is a great chance to come out and get to know some more about these beautiful flying insects.

Want to see butterflies at your house?  Planting some native species that butterflies enjoy in your garden provides an excellent opportunity to learn some new species from your home.  Some good plant species for your butterfly garden include:
·         Butterfly Milkweed
·         Blazing Star
·         Purple Coneflower
·         Grey-headed Coneflower
·         Woodland Sunflower
·         Cardinal Flower
·         Lupine
·         Black-eyed Susan
·         Spicebush (shrub)
·         Elderberry (shrub)
·         Tulip Tree (tree)
·         Red Oak (Tree)

Laura Penner
Natural Heritage Education Leader
Rondeau Provincial Park
18050 Rondeau Park Rd.
Morpeth, ON
(519) 674 1772

“Flutterby Butterfly”
10:30am – Beach Access #9
Behold the beauty of Rondeau’s many butterfly species. Come learn how to identify and catch these brilliant insects.
“Common Sense”
7:30pm – Visitor Centre
Nocturnal animals are masters of the night. Discover how these creatures’ heightened senses help them survive.

CHILDREN’S PROGRAM -“Wetland Wonders”
10:30am – Marsh Trail
Come learn about Rondeau’s marsh and some of the species that call it home. We will take a short walk to a pond to look for some marsh dwellers!

NIGHT HIKE “The Night Shift” 
7:30pm – Tulip Tree Trail
As the day comes to an end, many creatures are snuggling in for the night. Come discover which animals are working the night shift in Rondeau.

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