Sunday, June 22, 2014

Obie the Dachshund and his excellent Canadian adventure at Wienerfest

   (Photo compilation from Tourism Oxford and Wienerfest's Facebook pages)

WOODSTOCK, Ontario -- Obie, the celebrity Dachshund, was the hit of the 14th annual Wienerfest yesterday at the Embro Community Centre near here.
Obie wearing his gift Canadian (red maple leaf) bandana.

   Obie and his companion Nora Vanatta traveled from Portland, Oregon for his special guest appearance at the festival for the dogs (and their owners, too).

   He and Nora arrived by limousine and the red carpet was rolled out for them at the Quality Hotel & Suites. Fans showered Obie with attention and affection as he walked through the doors.

Photo by Jennifer Shaw
Linda Collier, organizer of Wienerfest Home Country Festival and part of the welcoming committee, presented Obie with a special “Golden Doggie Bone” to Wienerfest, in honour of his visit.

   “We are so excited that Obie has flown here all the way from Portland, Oregon.” she said.

   “He has quite the story to tell about his weight loss journey back to health. He even has his own website and a Facebook page with over 290,000 likes.

   Today, Obie just thinks of himself as a friendly, handsome pooch who loves life. He was a rescue dog and will be sharing his incredible story to tell about his 77lb weight loss transformation while he is at Wienerfest.

   Saturday, the spotlight was on Obie, but there were lots of fun things to see and do at Wienerfest.

Off to the races
   Watch the fun games for the dachshunds like the Yogurt Licking Contest, the ‘Hunt Is On’, Ask a trainer/Ask a vet, Costume contest, Bobbing for wieners, and the famous wiener races and much more.


   For more information check out the website

   Proceeds go to Helping Homeless Pets & Tiny Paws Rescue.

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