Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wasaga under Siege 2014 & the 200th commemoration of Battle of Nottawasaga Bay and the sinking of HMS Nancy

(News Release)

WASAGA BEACH, Ontario --To date we have over 400 re-enactors and participants registered (for all the details).

Everything is in place and the activities/events we are planning for the 12th annual Wasaga under Siege taking place from August 14th – 17th (2014) at Nancy Island Historic Site in Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada will be the best one yet.  Not only we will be celebrating the 12th annual Wasaga under Siege event but we will also be commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Nottawasaga Bay and the sinking and destruction of HMS Nancy. 

Nancy Island Historic Site Grand Encampment 
Thursday, Aug 14th – 10:00am to 6:00pm
Friday, Aug 15th - 10:00am to 9:00pm
Saturday, Aug 16th - 10:00am to 9:00pm
Sunday, Aug 17th - 10:00am to 4:00pm
Admission - $5.00 per adult & 12 years and under -Free

The Grand Encampment at Nancy Island Historic Site will feature over 500 re-enactors opening their living history encampments to the public along with 19th century merchants, musket and cannon demonstrations, period artisans & demonstrators, entertainers, music and much more.

200th Commemorative Ceremonies
Thursday, August 14th – 10:00am to 12:00pm
Location – Nancy Island Historic Site
Admission - Free 
200th Anniversary - Battle of Nottawasaga Bay & the Destruction & Sinking of HMS Nancy - August 14th, 1814, (200 years ago to the day) three American ships discovered HMS Nancy hiding up the Nottawasaga River and a short and decisive battle ensued with the Americans winning resulting in the destruction and sinking of HMS Nancy.  Nancy Island Historic Site will be commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Nottawasaga Bay and the Destruction and sinking of HMS Nancy and everyone is encourage to attend to witness and partake in this great heritage moment. 

Unknown War of 1812 Veterans Grave Marker Dedication – As part of August 14th commemoration ceremonies a Veteran of the War of 1812 plaque will be placed at the site of the Unknown Soldier on Nancy Island to represent all those Unknown War of 1812 veterans who survived the War and went on to help develop this great country. 

Ceremonies will include First Nation participation, musical tributes, VIP speeches and the ringing of one of the original ships bell involved in the battle signifying 200 years of peace between nations. 

US Brig Niagara Sail Past & Battle
Friday, August 15th – 6:30pm
Location - Beach Area 1 & 2 - Admission - Free
The US Brig Niagara was one of three ships that participated in the original battle and was directly responsible for the destruction and sinking of HMS Nancy.  Come relive history as the roar of cannons and gunfire once again echo through the air along the world’s longest freshwater beach.  The US Brig Niagara will be sailing over from Collingwood to participate in the evening battle and during the day will offer deck tours for the public while berthed in Collingwood. 

Skirmish in the Woods!
Friday, August 15th - 7:00pm - Fictional Battle
Location - Beach Area 2 - Admission - Free
American scouting and foraging parties have been sent ashore for firewood and reconnaissance in search of any signs of British forces and the Schooner Nancy hidden up the Nottawasaga River. British pickets have already alerted Lt. Worsley of the American presence and re-enforcements have been sent out to stop the American advance and hopefully discovering the Nancy.

Gunboats on the River
Friday, August 15th - 7:45pm
Location – Nottawasaga River
American gunboats have been dispatched up the river to survey defences of the British. British gunboats and shore batteries await the Americans as the roar of cannons and muskets thunder across the water. Battle takes place on the Nottawasaga River, between the Main St. Bridge and Nancy Island Historic Site.

The Americans have Landed!
Saturday, August 16th - 2:00pm - Fictional Battle
Location - Beach Area 2 - Admission - Free
The Americans unprepared for the previous evening battle have re-grouped and landed with force as they come closer and closer to detecting HMS Nancy. Once again Lt. Worsley and his small force will try and hold off the Americans and avoid detection. Will they succeed?

Gunboats on the River
Saturday, August 16th - 2:45pm
Location – Nottawasaga River
American gunboats have been dispatched up the river to survey defences of the British. British gunboats and shore batteries await the Americans as the roar of cannons and muskets thunder across the water. Battles take place on the Nottawasaga River, between the Main St. Bridge and Nancy Island Historic Site.

US Brig Niagara Sail Past & Battle
Saturday, August 16th – 6:30pm
Location - Beach Area 1 & 2 - Admission - Free
The US Brig Niagara was one of three ships that participated in the original battle and was directly responsible for the destruction and sinking of HMS Nancy.  Come relive history as the roar of cannons and gunfire once again echo through the air along the world’s longest freshwater beach.  The US Brig Niagara will be sailing over from Collingwood to participate in the evening battle and during the day will offer deck tours for the public while berthed in Collingwood. 

Defending H.M.S. Nancy!
Saturday, August 16th - 7:00pm - Historical Battle
Location – Beach Area 2 
Having successfully staled the American advance hours earlier and believing that the Nancy's hiding place is still safe; Lt. Worsley was unaware that the tall masts of his ship had been spotted by American troops during the day battle and a full scale American assault was being planned to capture his ship. Lt. Worsley did all he could to defend her from the American onslaught. Badly outnumbered the Nancy was destroyed in battle, though its defenders escaped upstream to fight another day.

Gunboats on the River
Saturday, August 16th - 7:45pm
Location – Nottawasaga River
American gunboats have been dispatched up the river to survey defences of the British. British gunboats and shore batteries await the Americans as the roar of cannons and muskets thunder across the water. Battle takes place on the Nottawasaga River, between the Main St. Bridge and Nancy Island Historic Site.

War of 1812 Bicentennial Fireworks
Saturday, August 16th – Dusk
Location: Nottawasaga River 
Fireworks, cannon fire and the musical finale of the 1812 overture will engulf the Nottawasaga River as part of the 200th commemoration ceremonies.  Best viewing for the fireworks presentation will be down river from Nancy Island Historic Site near or on the Main Street Bridge. 

Gunboats on the River
Sunday, August 17th – 1:00pm
American gunboats have been dispatched up the river to survey defences of the British. British gunboats and shore batteries await the Americans as the roar of cannons and muskets thunder across the water. Battle takes place on the Nottawasaga River, between the Main St. Bridge and Nancy Island Historic Site.

Avenging the Nancy!
Sunday, August 17th - 2:00pm - Fictional
The Americans having obtained their objective in destroying the Nancy, have left behind two small ships and crew to guard the mouth of the Nottawasaga River. Lt. Worsley having re-supplied rowboats with goods and ammunition from an upstream depot; must first clear the way for his rowboats to safely pass and re-supply besieged Fort Mackinac. Forcing the Americans to once again land and fight, Lt. Worsley will have the final taste of victory as British cold steel and Native support save the day!

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