Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Experience a new Halloween event at Fanshawe Pioneer Village

(News Release)

October 12, 2016  London, Ontario -  Follow the crooked signpost to The Midnight Village. Enjoy the terrifying treasures of Fanshawe Pioneer Village after dark on this new walking tour. Let the glow of a ghostly lantern lead you to discover the scary secrets of old London town.

Meet some of the creepiest, eeriest citizens of London's past. Serial killer Dr. Thomas Neill Cream, spree killer Henry Sovereen, axe murderess Phoebe Campbell and several other spooks. The Midnight Village meanders off the beaten Village path to explore the hidden corners of London's past.

Performances at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 pm on Friday and Saturday nights and 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 pm on Sunday nights. Tickets are $11 plus HST. Book on-line at ; Advance booking is recommended.

Directed by Jason Rip.  Presented in partnership with Fanshawe College Theatre Arts Technical Production Program.

Sponsored by McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP

Show Dates:
Friday, October 14 to Sunday, October 16
Friday, October 21 to Sunday, October 23
Friday, October 28 and Sunday, October 30


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