Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Elgin County Museum presents the 8th annual Vimy Lecture

(News Release)

Vimy Lecture: 2 p.m., Monday, April 9, 2018
Elgin County Heritage Centre
460 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas

Of the 600 Elgin County men present at the Battle of Vimy Ridge, one played a role that has become part of our community’s history and lore. Lance-Sergeant Ellis Sifton, a Wallacetown native, on April 9th, the first day of the battle, single-handedly eliminated a German machine gun emplacement at the cost of his own life. He was posthumously awarded a Victoria Cross, one of four presented to Canadians for actions during the battle.
To honour him, the museum will display, for one day, his Victoria Cross, marking the 101th anniversary of his act of courage. The Victoria Cross, at the time, was the highest award for bravery in the Empire. Sifton’s was presented to his father, John J. Sifton, by the Governor General, the Duke of Devonshire. 

This year’s guest speaker is Tracy Gordon, a Dutton resident, historical seamstress and World War I Re-enactor. For many years she has re-created the persona of her great-great-grandmother, Alberta Gregg, a Bluebird, the name given to the nurses at the front during WWI because of their distinctive blue uniform.

In 2017 she was present at Vimy Ridge for the events marking the 100th anniversary of the battle. During her visit she toured other parts of the western front as well as the final resting place of Lance-Sergeant Sifton. Join us for her talk illustrating highlights from the events marking the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Parking is at the rear of 450 Sunset, the adjacent County of Elgin Administration Building.

There is no charge for the event.

For more information contact:
Elgin County Heritage Centre
(519) 631-1460 x 193

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