Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Aboriginal song and dance at Toronto’s Fort York June 23 (2018)

   TORONTO – A traditional outdoor powwow will be held June 23 (2018) at Toronto’s Fort York Garrison Common to recognize National Aboriginal Day that was two days earlier.
   This free event presented by the Na-Me-Res (Native Men’s Residence) is expected to attract more than 10,000 people.
   The participants will be “sharing and celebrating National Aboriginal Day with over 100 dancers swinging and swaying to the traditional beat of Smoke Trail Singers, Young Creek and Wild Cuba traditional drumming groups,” said Blanch White, Communications Officer/Fundraiser.

   There will be 39 First Nations craft vendors and eight information tables as well as a children’s activity area.
   APTN will televise the round dance live at 1:30 p.m. and some of the events planned for the day.
   There will also be food and drink sales, including traditional meat and vegetarian tacos as well as lemonade, along with soft drinks and water.

Powwow Schedule
Dancer Registration 10 a.m.
Grand Entry 12 noon
Flags Retire 4 p.m.
Feast 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Concert 6 p.m.

   "Everyone is welcome at this free event," White said.

   For more information: Blanch (416) 651-6750, Ext. 2233; bwhite@nameres.org

   Website: http://www.nameres.org

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