Thursday, August 8, 2019

Celebrate 75 years of nature education at Ontario Parks on August 10 (2019)

(News Release)

This year marks 75 years of education programs at Ontario Parks. We are celebrating with a new program name and a special day of guided hikes and drop-in events on Saturday, Aug. 10 (2019).

Meet the Ontario Parks Discovery Program.

Events across Ontario

Twenty-seven parks will host a guided hike at 10:00 am on August 10. Our specially-trained naturalists will take visitors along a trail to explore the unique heritage features along the way. These hikes are in honour of Professor J.R. Dymond, who organized the first guided hikes at Algonquin Provincial Park in 1944, and the many years of education programs that have followed his contributions.

This event celebrates our past, but we also want to acknowledge the future of the Discovery Program. That’s why we will also offer Discovery Drop-ins, a newer component of the program. Drop-ins encourage families with children to explore a topic of the day (such as Incredible Insects!) alongside our knowledgeable Discovery Guides. 

To see a full list of parks participating on August 10, please visit the Parks Blog.

Healthy Parks Healthy People

Anyone who shares a photo of themselves active in a provincial park on Twitter or Instagram this August will have the chance to win a season’s pass to Ontario Parks. To participate simply tag @OntarioParks in the post and use the hashtag #30x30Challenge.

This event is the perfect opportunity to participate in Ontario Parks’ annual 30x30 Challenge – spending 30 minutes in nature each day for 30 days . Spending time in nature has a wide range of benefits to one’s physical and mental health. It’s also a good occasion to connect with your loved ones and Ontario’s beautiful natural environments.
Ontario Parks this season

ParkBus expands service to Killbear
 ParkBus is offering a new route for day users and campers from downtown Toronto to Killbear Provincial Park. Passengers will be dropped off at the park’s Visitor Centre to explore iconic Georgian Bay shores, rugged landscapes, beautiful beaches, and winding hiking trails.

ParkBus provides affordable, accessible transportation by motorcoach to several provincial parks from Toronto and Ottawa. Whether you are without a car, or simply looking for a more sustainable way to travel, ParkBus can help.

Paddling season 
Experience Northern Ontario’s scenic backcountry without the hassle of portaging. Quetico Provincial Park offers portage-free backcountry camping opportunities. There is no better way to introduce young children and new paddlers to breathtaking backcountry landscapes.

The Northwest Wilderness Quest has entered its final year. Camp in the backcountry of Wabakimi Provincial Park, Woodland Caribou Provincial Park, and Quetico Provincial Park for a minimum of three consecutive nights in each park before October 15 and enter to win great prizes including a Souris River Canoe.

Looking for a quick getaway? Ontario Parks has multiple backcountry weekend getaways. Enjoy the solitude of our provincial parks with the ability to be back in the office on Monday morning.

Keep up with Ontario Parks on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Visit the Parks Blog for up-to-date content.

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