Friday, September 6, 2019

Detroit auto show transformation includes switch to June from January and "evolution" of the black-tie Charity Preview

(From NAIAS)

Charity Preview. Expect Bigger and Better.

DETROIT – The wheels are in motion as the North American International Auto Show in Detroit moves to June next year from the dead of winter in January.

“Moving the show to June opens up a whole new world of possibilities to explore both the show and beautiful downtown,” organizers say.
Hanging out with Larry Alexander, president/CEO, Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau; Renee, DMCVB; writer Jim Fox
 Now in its 44th year, the Charity Preview is embracing NAIAS’ transformation with an evolution of its own.

With warm summertime temperatures, more daylight hours and an expanded auto show campus – including Cobo Center and Hart Plaza – NAIAS officials say they are looking at all options for Charity Preview on Friday, June 12, 2020.

“We want to expand the reach of Charity Preview and bring in a wider audience,” said NAIAS Executive Director Rod Alberts.

“We’re looking at the possibility of adding various levels of involvement to welcome new generations to the preview. We want the night to be one that many people can enjoy for our charities.”

 It is expected the event – considered the largest annual single-night fundraiser in the world (tickets are $400 US and attracts 15,000 people) – will feature multiple entertainment stages throughout with various genres of music.

  Putting on the ritz and glitz (Barbara Fox photo)
There may also be a change in the traditional black-tie attire.

“The jury is still out on the dress code,” said 2020 NAIAS Chairman Doug North speaking at a recent NAIAS event.

“With a larger campus to work with and more activities and walking, we are leaning away from absolute traditional black tie – so expect a little more swagger which means maybe a creative black-tie event theme or summer chic look.”

 “Witnessing the premiere of a newly designed vehicle is one thing. The opportunity to take it for a spin is another.”

“From concepts to concerts, there will be more to experience than ever before at the show in June 2020. It’s going to be an event like the automotive world has never seen before.”

Hamming it up for photos beside a $235,000 Bentley. (Jim Fox photo)
 Important dates:
The Gallery: June 6
Press Preview: June 9-10
AutoMobili-D: June 9-11
Industry Preview: June 10-11
Charity Preview: June 12
Public Show: June 13-20

More info:
Detroit Metro Convention and Visitors Bureau:; 1-800-DETROIT

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