Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Theatre at Fanshawe Pioneer Village in London, Ontario

July 17, 2013, London, Ontario – Summer Theatre 2013 at Fanshawe Pioneer Village features the original play, “Choose, But Choose Wisely”, an 1812 play written and directed by Jeff Culbert.

“The five characters in this play are all neighbours when the War of 1812 breaks out, living near the forks of the Thames River / Askunissippi”, explains playwright and director Jeff Culbert.

"The war scatters them, as they choose different sides or run away into exile, re-defining themselves as a militia captain, an American sympathizer, a Chippewa scout and two Quaker pacifists. Choose, But Choose Wisely is the story of how they were all changed by the war.”
 “The title refers to the ultimatum given to Upper Canadian settlers by General Hull, the commander of Fort Detroit, just after the Americans declared war. The choice: Allow the Americans to take control or face a war of extermination.”

“The characters are Joshua and Elizabeth Applegarth (the first people of European origin to settle at the forks of the Thames), Daniel Springer (the first white man to settle on the Thames in this area, joining the Chippewa community), Andrew Westbrook (a prosperous settler in Delaware who sided with the Americans) and Keezheekoni (a Chippewa scout, and the only character not based on a real person from history.”

Well-known local actors Jason Rip, Erin Flanigan, Harry Edison, Josh Cottrell and David Walker make up the cast and all performances take place in the historic Miller Barn at Fanshawe Pioneer Village. 

Tickets:  $15.00 each, admission included.
Book on-line at ; Advance booking is recommended.

Sponsored by Lerners LLP, London Heritage Council, Johnson Sanitation Service, Sylvite Agra-Services Ltd., Union Gas:  As Spectra Energy Company and the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Shows:  Tuesday to Thursday, July 16,17 & 18
 And Tuesday to Thursday, July 23, 24 & 25
At 7:30 p.m.
-- 30 –

Don’t miss these upcoming events…

Fanshawe Frolic presents…

The Glorious Reign Ball

Dances from Queen Victoria’s era: 1819-1901    
Saturday August 3rd & Sunday, August 4th

This year’s special Frolic theme focuses on the British Empire in the 19th century and the reign of Queen Victoria. Our 19th century ball program will include dances and music from the years of Queen Victoria’s lifetime; from the late regency period to 1901.

The whole Village is coming to the Ball!
Come learn the social dances of the 19th century with Dance Mistress, Mme. Cathy Stephens, on Saturday. Enjoy a country supper in the evening, followed by the period ball with live music provided by Childgrove of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Period costumes are encouraged but not required.
This theme offers a wide choice of costume for participants who can dress in any 19th century costume: Regency, mid 19th century or late Victorian. Or come as a "visitor" from the far reaches of Queen Victoria's Empire…from the British Isles to Australia, from India to Hong Kong.

Bring the whole family to the Village on Sunday for Family Frolic!
Live music and more dancing with Mme. Stephens, followed by an afternoon tea.

10:30 – 12:30pm            Set Dances and Etiquette - to prepare for the ball.

2:00-3:30pm                  Late Victorian “round” dance sequences featuring basic waltz, polka
                                     and schottische steps.

6:00-7:00pm                  Period country supper

7:30 – 11:00pm             The Glorious Reign Ball

1:00 – 3:00pm               Family Frolic dance

3:00 – 3:30pm               Victorian Tea

Tickets:  $50.00 + HST per person for the Victorian Ball and supper. Family Frolic on Sunday with regular admission.  Book on-line at  Advance booking is required.

Sponsored by Sylvite Agri-Services Limited, Union Gas:  A Spectra Energy Company and Johnson Sanitation Service Limited.

Fanshawe Agricultural Fair - Saturday, August 17th and Sunday, August 18th
Experience all the pleasures of a 19th century rural fair with threshing demonstrations, exhibits, displays, musical entertainment and classic cars.

Presented in partnership with the Tri-County Heritage Club
Sponsored by CASCO Inc. and Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited

Visit our new Spriet Family Visitor Center - open year round!

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